
Enterprise Builders

Specializing in Commercial Property Restoration

Enterprise Builders

A Reliable Partner in your Time of NEeed

Enterprise Builders

Specializing in property retoration

Enterprise Builders

A Reliable partner in your time of need

Mold Remediation

What To Do If You Have Mold

It is first and foremost important to understand that while you may be able to clean and dry a small area of mold growth, it often takes a mold remediation professional to remove a substantial amount of mold from your home. The best thing that you can do is to consult with a mold remediation professional.
As experts in mold remediation, Enterprise Builders will come and inspect your home. Our experts will remove mold, and manage conditions resulting in mold growth inside your property.

For a free consultation, call Enterprise Builders today at


Any one of our mold remediation specialists will be on site to give you an expert evaluation.

Five Quick Facts About Mold That You Should Know



  1.  Mold exposure can often lead to health effects similar to allergic reactions, asthma,      and other respiratory issues.
  2. Mold is not easy to eliminate. Professional mold remediation is a multipronged approach to ridding your home of harmful mold.
  3. The way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture; moisture is also fundamentally important when removing mold from the home.
  4. Mold can grow on damp or wet building materials or furnishings in as little as 24-48 hours unless cleaned and dried completely.
  5. Mold can be found on almost any surface, or grow on almost any substance, provided that sufficient conditions (i.e., moisture) are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, carpeting, tile, paper, and foods.

Chinese Drywall

What Is Chinese Drywall?

The term “Chinese drywall” refers to drywall imported from China from 2001 to 2007 which contains extraneous materials metals and minerals, particularly sulfur, strontium and iron. This tainted drywall will emit sulfur gasses, creating a noxious odor with the potential to corrode copper and other metal surfaces. This can result in damage to your air conditioning unit, other appliances and electronics, electrical wiring and even your copper plumbing.

What Are the Dangers of Chinese Drywall?

The presence of Chinese drywall within a home may result in corrosion of copper and other metal surfaces, in turn damaging electronics and appliances, or your home’s electrical system. It is important to check for the presence of Chinese drywall early, as once the corrosive effects begin to take hold, the amount of damage

One of the foremost physical signs indicating the potential presence of Chinese drywall is corrosion of electrical wiring. Blackened ground wires, general discoloration and corrosion are the key signs to look out for. Another common indicator to look out for is corrosion and pitting of an air conditioners evaporator coils located inside the air handler. Such corrosion will eventually cause the unit to stop functioning. An examination of the coils will typically (although not always) reveal a black sooty deposit. This sooty deposit may also extend to the unit’s Freon line present in the home will only increase. Signs of more serious electrical problems may also be present. Lights may flicker or dim. Your circuit breaker may need to be reset regularly without an apparent cause. Lights may also flicker without an apparent cause, or a faint buzzing sound may be heard from the electrical system. The presence of any of these signs may indicate the presence of Chinese drywall. Please remember to disconnect the power to any receptacles, electronics or appliances you’re going to be checking for corrosion in order to avoid getting shocked.

Please see this website for more information:


CDC’s Response To Imported Drywall

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. Our friendly staff is here to help!

Texas *State does not use licensing for General Contractors.*

Florida: CGC1509595 - Certified General Contractor

Florida: CCC1326738 - Certified Roofing Contractor

Louisiana: 74179